Icons are corrupt after updating Avada theme to the latest version

Icons are corrupt after Avada update

Recently Avada, the best-selling WordPress theme, released a new update (v5.1). After updating the theme to the latest version, icons might be corrupt or some features might not work as expected.

In this case, you need to reset Fusion Caches as well as to clear browser caches and cache plugins' caches.

In order to reset Fusion Caches, please go to Avada > Theme Options > Advanced in your WordPress Dashboard.

Reset Fusion Caches in Avada WordPress theme

You will see the option "Reset Fusion Caches", which will reset all Dynamic CSS & Dynamic JS, clean-up all database and delete the uploads/fusion-styles and uploads/fusion-scripts folders.

Please click on "Reset Fusion Caches" and also clear caches from cache plugins such as W3 Total Caches or WP Super Cache. Now the issues will be resolved.

If this does not fix your problem, please contact Avada for help. You might need a valid support license to obtain support from Avada.

For your reference, if you buy Avada, the standard 6-month support is included. After the support period, you can choose to renew support. Even if you do not choose to renew/purchase support after your support has been expired, you are still able to update your theme.

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