How to make your Dashboard a real Windows desktop look

WP OS Desktop Backend

Many of those who use WordPress for the first time might be embarrassed at the look & feel of the WordPress Dashboard or the Admin page. There are a few plugins which give users to customize the Dashboard, but it might not be so satisfactory.

WP OS Desktop Backend is an interesting plugin which gives to your WordPress backend a real O/S desktop look!

This plugin will increase your productivity by making your Dashboard a real Windows desktop look.

WP OS Desktop Backend Screenshot

As shown above, each menu can be used as if it's opened as a window in Windows. Each user also can customize his own shortcuts easily.

WP OS Desktop Backend Shortcuts

WP OS Desktop Backend was released on April 19, 2016. So it has not been sold much but the user rating is perfect: 5.0. Please visit this page for more information.

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